Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 0.5

Okay, so I'm not one to keep a blog. Never kept a journal, never really felt or understood the desire to. I once tried when I was younger, but that lasted about a day or two. I only did it because my best friend did. Oh - and because my sister had this really cool diary with a combination clasp on it. Naturally, I wanted my own. But the practice didn't stick. For one thing, I've always found writing a bit of a chore. For another, I never really knew who my audience was supposed to be. I mean, if I was just writing for myself, then why would I write it down to begin with? Plus, I was under the impression that a diary was supposed to be angst-ridden and maudlin. Which is actually how I felt a lot of the time, but it just seemed too cheesy to put down in writing. Not to mention the fact that I always assumed that someone would find it and read it, and there was no way I was going to suffer that embarrassment.

A blog solves the audience question nicely. But then, why would anonymous strangers (and maybe a handful of friends) want to read my thoughts? Well, for starters, I promise to stay away from the angst-ridden and maudlin. Or, at least, I'll try. But more importantly, I plan to tell you all about my master cleanse fast, which I'm sure will be a fascinating topic. It's gonna involve graphic discussions of my bowel movements and everything.

So. It's day 0.5 and counting. I say 0.5 because it's my lead-in day. I'm only eating fresh fruits & veggies today, and of course water to drink. Yesterday I toxin-loaded by eating an egg sandwich (w/fake cheese) AND a strawberry cheese croissant AND an Amy's burrito AND a brownie AND veggie combo #3 from Awash, my favorite Ethiopian restaurant. So today I'm trying to ease in to the detox. So far today I had a clementine, a pint of strawberries, a banana, and some string beans. I would say all is well except the pint of strawberries could cause some concern, but they were just soo good I couldn't stop eating them.

Tomorrow's the real deal. I'll tell you all about it. I'm totally psyched and resolved - I can't wait.

My friend A.D. told me that his friend did Master Cleanse and pooped what looked like blue marbles. Blue marbles! I wonder what's going to come out of me??

1 comment:

db said...

maudlin... good word