Thursday, January 18, 2007

The wrap-up.

First - I'm sorry for my absence yesterday. I was feeling a bit sheepish because I ended the fast early.

Yes. I ended the fast. (There's a hallelujah in there somewhere.)

Actually, I ended it on Tuesday evening. I made some fresh vegetable broth (spinach, kale, carrot, onion, mushrooms - no salt, no oil, nothing else), and had a bit of that, plus the juice from an orange. As you know from my last post, I felt really terrible on Tuesday. I was freezing, looked and felt like death warmed over, etc. Couldn't concentrate on anything. After work, I decided to go to the store to buy more supplies for the formula (I was out of maple and very low on lemons), but I also bought the veggies and some fruit. (Also Q-tips, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the fast.) I entertained the notion that I would just keep the veggies in the fridge for a couple of days or possibly make the broth and not have any of it on Tuesday, but save it for a later date when I did decide to break the fast. Yeah right.

So anyway, I made the broth when I got home. And ate it. It was delicious. It was so simple, so fresh. It's funny - had I eaten it two weeks ago it would have tasted bland at best, or even tasteless, or even gross. But it was so good I ate more than I was planning, and even ate a few bites of the veggies. Also, the freshly squeezed OJ (technically, juice from a tangelo, but as a friend asked, what the hell is a tangelo anyway?) was equally delightful.

Yesterday, I thought maybe I would just pick up where I left off and begin with the fast again. I had a lemonade for breakfast. Of course, I also then had a tangelo. So much for that plan. I had more broth and cooked veggies at lunch, and then had a pear later in the afternoon. A banana in the evening. When I got home later, I had more broth and veggies, and even a little brown rice. Once I started eating yesterday, I got ravenous - the hungry beast awakes! Also, I could feel my stomach churning as I introduced food into it. It's so cool when you can feel and become aware of your body's involuntary processes. Well, as long as it's not because you're puking or spurting blood out of an artery or something.

Today I've had some broth and veg in the morning, and an orange. I think at lunch I'll have more broth & veg, but also some brown rice. Maybe some nuts. We'll see what I'm up for tonight. Frankly, I feel like I want to just eat what I want and deal with the consequences. But I know that would be bad, not only for my digestive tract, but also for my ass/hips/thighs/etc. (remember, the metabolism is at a snail's pace these days).

Also: I haven't pooped yet since I've started eating again. Last night I was feeling blocked up, gassy, and generally uncomfortable. Today is better, but if there's been no action by this evening, I'm DEFINITELY taking the tea before bed tonight.

That's it for now. I'll post again. Perhaps.

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