Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 1, cont. - the day of Free Food

Today is the day of free food: there was a beautiful breakfast spread in a neighboring office this morning, we had a catered lunch for a meeting here in my office today, and there is a post-holiday-work party tonight. So I have to say, I've picked a really good day to start the fast. I mean that sincerely. Because I'm fasting, I avoided/will avoid all those toxins (i.e. all that is good in life: the french toast and croissants and cheese and brownies and passed hors d'oeuvres and cocktails). No, but seriously, it is good that today is the day of free food because it is still very easy to resist temptation. Day 3 would likely be more of a problem.

Thus far, I've had 3 servings of the drink. I'm finding that with each serving I actually like it more and more. EXCEPT, well, the poop thing. (I did warn everyone that this was going to be a recurring topic). I had my first lemonade poop today. Know how cayenne is spicy on your tongue and in your mouth and even sometimes in your esophagus and tummy? Well, it's just as spicy on the way out. And while it wasn't such a big deal this time, I'm slightly concerned about subsequent episodes. I mean, will my rectum be able to take it?? Hey - would it be wrong to swab some pepto bismal or some vaseline up there??? (Maybe I'll make my roommate do it. That'll teach her to eat Indian food in front of me again!)

Let's see. I went to the gym today at lunch. Just a little jogging and some stretching and some pilates/ab stuff. Nothing major.

Oh, and one more minor detail: I'm starting to get hungry.

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