Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 3. I want brunch.

It's Saturday. I'm doing my Saturday a.m. routine, which consists of sitting around listening to This American Life. Actually, my routine usually involves doing the dishes and listening, but I'm not doing dishes this morning because Roommate did most of them last night, and also I am so light-headed I can hardly stand up. I feel like shit.

Did the salt flush, but I did the modified version I came up with yesterday. Doesn't seem to be working as well, but I suppose that could be due to any number of factors. Also, I didn't take the tea last night because I was already having eliminations on my own before I went to bed. I figured I didn't need the tea, and frankly, I didn't know if I could handle waking up at 2:30 in morning for more intestinal activity (like had happened the night before). Maybe that's affecting the salt flush efficacy this morning?

Anyway, I feel too loopy and tired right now to be funny or to write more. I'm retiring to the bedroom. Maybe listen to Car Talk in bed, maybe finish my book, maybe just go back to sleep. I'm supposed to go to a concert tonight - I hope I can deal with it.

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