Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 5. and definitely counting.

The salt flush just gets harder and harder to take. The small amount of saltwater is fine, but it's the 32 oz of liquid that has to fit into my shrunken stomach that's a problem. I want to vomit just because of the volume issue.

My resolve was wavering yesterday, and still is today. Yesterday afternoon & evening I was feeling physically hungry again. Today not, so far. But I just keep thinking about food: restaurants I want to go to (Da Andrea in the W village), meals I want to have (brunch), individual food items I'm craving (crepes, of all things). I think part of the problem has been that I haven't been active/out of the house enough. It's been a pretty rainy weekend, so I've spent much of my time holed up in the apartment. I did go out to that concert on Saturday night, and I went to a concert in my neighborhood yesterday afternoon w/Roommate and South American Physicist-Musician (SAPM) #1. (Sadly, SAPM #2 is still in Argentina, or perhaps he arrives back in NYC today?) But that's about it for excursions. Today, however, I'm off to the planetarium at the Museum of Natural History. And then maybe I will go to see the psychedelic Thai western that's playing at the Film Forum. Or I might be watching kung fu movies in an apartment right above Dumpling Man.

Does it defeat the purpose of the master cleanse and/or will it totally fuck me up while fasting to smoke pot tonight? Because that is something I really enjoy doing while watching kung fu flicks. I think the answer to both questions is probably yes, but it sounds really tempting. Although if I did smoke, the fast might end immediately and badly with uncontrollable munchies and a heapin', steamin' helping of dumplings. So probably best to avoid the temptation.

Tongue coat: fairly thick and fully covering my tongue, but still totally white. I take this to mean that I'm not that toxic, and therefore can quit the fast early.

My asshole is raw. Fucking salt flush.

I'm off to go for a jog.

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