Friday, January 19, 2007

Post-fast happenings.

This is so weird. Yesterday and today I have had this profound exhaustion. Like I’m so tired I can hardly move my arms above my head to wash my hair. I’ve been sleeping a full 8 (last night around 9) hours of sleep all this week, too. What is going on with my metabolism post-fast???

Last night I had a Kombucha disaster. Kombucha is a miracle product. It's a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria. People make Kombucha "tea" out of it, which is a fermeneted beverage with unlimited magical health benefits. The true elixir of life. But very odd-tasting. Anyway, I went to the health food store near Columbia and bought 3 bottles of it yesterday. (My friend P.R. has counselled me to go to a different health food store and get other flavors than the plain variety, so I'll do that soon.) I left one in the fridge at work, and took two home with me. I had a bunch of other crap in my bag - including two bottles of 2-buck Chuck, or 3-buck Chuck, as is the case in NYC (Roommate, please forgive my low wine standards in your absence!) - and had to run several errands after work. At any rate, at some point, one of the Kombucha bottles broke in my bag, probably from getting knocked by the wine, and EVERYTHING was soaked. Including my bag, my gym clothes, my book/magazine/planner/checkbook, and even my coat.

But the worst part is – it smelled SO bad! Or at least, so strangely. Acidic and acrid, a cross between vinegar, beer, and photochemicals. People on the trains would sniff the air, look at me in a very puzzled fashion, glare, and move away. I'm sorry! I did not piss myself or anything, people!

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