Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The end of eating carefully. . .

Salt & pepper squid, garlic scallops, and sauteed Chinese water spinach.

The end of eating carefully happened on Friday. In Chinatown, at 3 am, after much whiskey and very little singing of karaoke @ Winnie's with Jersey and P.

Everything seems pretty much back to normal. I'm trying to eat less wheat, because it just makes me so gassy and bloated. So far I've been avoiding it fairly well, although I did have some bready/pastryish stuff at brunch on Sunday. Of course, I should give up dairy, too, as we all know. But I'm right back to eating cheese, etc. I spent $4.50 on a yogurt parfait today. $4.50!! Fucking robbery.

I'm trying to keep up the cleansy/healthy/detoxy spirit by drinking GT's Kombucha. P.R. turned me on to it. You may recall an earlier post about the Kombucha disaster. Well, disaster aside, I've sought out more. P.R. and I went to Health Nuts yesterday to buy different flavors. And my co-worker just told me they're on sale at Whole Foods for 2-for-$5! Wow. Sounds like cause for another field trip adventure!

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