Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 6, cont. Slow metabolism

Hi all.

I'm almost through the workday. Just under an hour left.

I have not been too productive today. My attention has been very short. I am very tired and feel very out of it. Also, I think my metabolism has slowed way down - I'm freezing cold, so my co-worker lent me her space heater for under my desk AND I've put on my heavy, shearling winter coat. I look ridiculous. Also, I look like shit. I'm pale with dark dark circles under my eyes. (My appearance is probably not helped by the fact that I skipped the shower today. Thank god my hair is once again long enough for a bobby-pin assisted ponytail.)

I have a nasty taste going on in my mouth. And my tongue is finally starting to get a little gnarly. The coat is getting thicker and yellowish, particularly on the sides towards the front - which is weird. I would expect the coat to get thick and gross in the back near the root. But actually, now that I think about it, the Liver is reflected on the sides of the tongue, right? (TCM, yea!) So if the coat is coming out on the sides, it means my Liver is releasing toxins. . . ?

I was not able to do the salt flush this morning, as I had to be out of the house no later than 7 am today. So I just did the tea last night. Amazingly, stuff actually came out of me this morning without the assistance of the 32 oz of salt water. Nevertheless, I think that I might feel poorly today in part because I didn't do the flush this morning and get everything squeaky clean. I'm going to salt flush tonight when I get home from the office. That is, after I stop at the store and buy more lemons and maple. I feel like it's nuts to keep going, but I'll still try.

My tummy/intestines hurt today. They are not thrilled with the cayenne action. Also, the past couple days I've been getting some gassy-ness/bloating in my intestines, which I find really weird. What could possibly create gas, and why now?

Big thanks to P.R., R.S., and M.F. for their support and encouragement today.

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