Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 2.

Oh. my. god.

Salt flush.

I'm waiting for it to work, and am beginning to get concerned that it won't. I should stand up and walk around massaging my colon instead of writing this.

Chugging 32 oz of salt water was about the worst thing I've ever done. After this, i'm auditioning to be a contestant on Fear Factor. That million will be mine, piece of cake. I gagged a couple times while I was drinking. I overcame the urge to puke only by convincing myself that I was draining the broth from a delicious bowl of Maruchan Ramen. Minus the MSG. Is it possible to be both fasting and bloated? Because after drinking that salt water I'm feeling like it's about a day before my period. Which it's not.

Okay, true confessions: I just had to leave suddenly after typing "MSG". You know why. Apparently, the salt flush works. Likely it will work again before I finish this post. I already seem to be on the dregs of what can come out of me, so I'm really curious to see how this goes over the remainder of the fast. I'm waiting for gold coins or plastic army men to come out. (I still feel bloated though. Ugh.)

Also - inspiration on the john! I had a brilliant idea of how to get through drinking the salt water tomorrow! I'll boil a small amount of water and dissolve all the salt in that. Let it cool a bit, then drink it down. Then chase with the remaining 30 oz of plain water. I think that will be so much better.

Tongue coat today: beginning to get a little thicker than normal, but it's still white. It's about the same as if I wake up after having had not quite enough sleep and am maybe coming down with a minor cold, but nothing so bad that a little Airborne won't stop it in its tracks. Frankly, I'm hoping my tongue gets really gnarly during this fast - moldy-lookin', yellow, fuzz so thick it nearly grows around my teeth. If it doesn't, I'll feel like this whole Master Cleanse is a waste of time.

Last night Roommate cooked dinner. Pasta. That was a piece of cake to avoid after denying myself at the post-work party, replete with fabulous food and a fucking martini ice luge. But then she just HAD to watch Smallville, so I couldn't watch a Very Long Engagement, which is my new Netflix. Bummer. Nice way to support me during these challenging times, Roommate!

Oh - gotta go again.

1 comment:

superimportant said...

this should be a photo blog, except, that might be horrifying. Thank you so much for your enlightening details on the bowel lives of girls. It has been deemed superimportant